Kamis, 03 November 2011

all about CNBLUE 2011 Asia Tour Concert ‘Bluestorm in Jakarta’

CNBLUE akan menggelar konser di Indonesia !!! Congrats BOICE!

Tanggal Konser : 26 November 2011.

Tanggal Fan Signing : 27 November 2011.

Lokasi : Skenoo Hall, Gandaria City.

Melalui akun twitter @starlight_ID , mereka mengumumkan bahwa konser ini akan berlangsung lebih dari 120 menit dengan tata panggung dan pencahayaan yang bagus.

Akan ada 5 kategori tiket :

Royal Blue (VVIP)

Aquamarine (Numbered seats)

Navy Blue (Festival)

Turquoise (Free Seating)

Sky Blue (Free Standing)

CEK WEBSITE http://starlightindonesia.co.cc/ UNTUK TAHU DETAILNYA.


Limited Tickets


1. Send an email order
with SUBJECT : (Quantity) (Category)
example : 2 NAVY BLUE
body mail :
– Full Name :
– Phone number :

Send your order to each e-mail depends on category

For Royal Blue —> ticket.royalblue@gmail.com
For Aquamarine —> ticket.aquamarine@gmail.com
For Navy Blue —> ticket.navyblue@gmail.com
For Turquoise —> ticket.turquoise@gmail.com
For Sky Blue —> ticket.skyblue@gmail.com

2. You will receive a reply from us that contains our bank account details and other payment details. Please follow the direction in order to complete the payment.

1. Kirimkan email pesanan
dengan SUBJECT : (jumlah tiket) (kategori)
contoh : 2 NAVY BLUE
isi email:
– Nama Lengkap
– No Tlp

Kirimkan ke email sesuai dengan kategori tiket yang akan dibeli,

untuk pemesanan tiket Royal Blue, kirimkan email ke ticket.royalblue@gmail.com
untuk pemesanan tiket Aquamarine, kirimkan email ke ticket.aquamarine@gmail.com
untuk pemesanan tiket Navy Blue, kirimkan email ke ticket.navyblue@gmail.com
untuk pemesanan tiket Turquoise, kirimkan email ke ticket.turquoise@gmail.com
untuk pemesanan tiket Sky Blue, kirimkan email ke ticket.skyblue@gmail.com

2. Kamu akan menerima email konfirmasi yang berisi total tagihan dan nomer rekening serta ketentuan pembayaran lainnya. Langkah selanjutnya mohon lakukan sesuai petunjuk di e-mail.



Royal Blue
PS : 3.650.000 +10% ppn : 4.015.000

PS : 1.950.000 +10% ppn : 2.145.000

Navy Blue
PS : 1.700.000 +10% ppn : 1.870.000

PS : 1.150.000 +10% ppn : 1.265.000

Sky Blue
PS : 580.000 +10%ppn : 638.000

*all price are in Indonesian Currency (IDR)

VVIP, Concert ticket & Autograph Session ticket, numbered seating, limited, special merchandise.

VIP, numbered seating, merchandise, chance to win a lucky draw to get the Autograph Session ticket.

Festival, standing, merchandise, chance to win a lucky draw to get the Autograph Session ticket.

Unnumbered seating, merchandise.

Tribune, standing, merchandise.
A package for  fans which includes accommodation at the same hotel with the artist. Details as follows:

Includes the following :

    * CNBLUE Live TV Interview pass (Local TV Broadcast Station) at November 25. 9 AM.
    * Royal Blue Concert Ticket at November 26. 6 PM
    * Fansigning Event at November 27. 11 AM
    * Twin bed Standard Room (Same hotel with CNBLUE) 3D/2N (From 25 to 27 November)

Price : 1,200 USD/person. If you buy this package for two persons, then the second person will only charged 1,000 USD
Includes the following :

    * CNBLUE Live TV Interview pass (Local TV Broadcast Station) at November 25. 9 AM.
    * Aquamarine Concert Ticket at November 26. 6 PM
    * Twin bed Standard Room (Same hotel with CNBLUE) 3D/2N (From 25 to 27 November)

Price : 920 USD/person. If you buy this package for two persons, then the second person will only charged 800 USD
Includes the following :

    * CNBLUE Live TV Interview pass (Local TV Broadcast Station) at November 25. 9 AM.
    * Navy Blue Concert Ticket at November 26. 6 PM
    * Twin bed Standard Room (Same hotel with CNBLUE) 3D/2N (From 25 to 27 November)

Price : 880 USD/person. If you buy this package for two persons, then the second person will only charged 750 USD
Terms & Condition for OVERSEAS PACKAGE:

   1. Please submit your order until October 14, 2011 (Friday)
   2. Please send an email to media.starlight@yahoo.com with the subject OVERSEAS PACKAGE, and your personal data in the body of the mail.
   3. The payment method is bank transfer.
   4. Starlight Management Indonesia accept 2 terms of payment. 30% Down Payment needs to be transferred to their bank account before Monday, October 17, 2011 at 12 PM. And the 70%  rest of the payment can be done until November 5, 2011.


[PROMO] Pre-order album CNBLUE Indonesia Rp 100.000, dapatkan special diskon 40% untuk tiket public sales Aquamarine, Navy Blue & Turquoise.  Pre-order album terbatas. Kirim email pemesanan ke ticket.starlight@gmail.com dgn subject: PO CNBLUE.

Paket promo pre-order 1 album + 1 tiket public sales Aquamarine : Rp 1.387.000,-

Paket promo pre-order 1 album + 1 tiket public sales Navy Blue : Rp 1.222.000,-

Paket promo pre-order 1 album + 1 tiket public sales Turquoise : Rp 859.000,-

Paket promo spesial album CNBLUE +tiket #BLUESTORMJAKARTA tidak djual terpisah.

Pembeli promo paket album + tiket konser #BLUESTORMJAKARTA tidak diikutsertakan dalam undian tv interview dan lainnya.

Source : koreanindo

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